Sunday, September 14, 2014


Here is some roughly edited video of the 9/13/14 Girl Power game.  It's eight minutes long, nearly a quarter of the actual game.  I left a lot in, including some not-so-good play, in hopes that the girls can watch the video and start to get a better sense of how they often get in each others' way despite all their good skills.  So, try to get you player to watch it and see if they can spot the moments where they miss opportunities because they are too focused on the ball.

Additionally, there are two things I want them to notice about their play that are very positive.  First, they are simply relentless and that is a constant advantage to them.  Second, when they did get scored on they went through a brief period where they were playing too fast and with too little skill and patience.  But they were able to get past that and re-establish their pace and dominance of ball possession.  That's going to be important whenever we face stronger teams.  They've got to stay committed to playing with the all the skill and control that we work on at practice.

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